How to mount the S3 bucket on to the Mac Description S3 is very powerful architecture. But it cannot use like normal directory. However, we have the solution to mount S3 on Mac PC. It's to use Storage Gateway . Archtecture Image ー ー ー Premise Storage Gateway: Requirements for Amazon EC2 instance types [Recommended for file gateway types] ・General-purpose instance family – m4 or m5 instance type. ・Compute-optimized instance family – c4 or c5 instance types. Choose the 2xlarge instance size or higher to meet the required RAM requirements. ・Memory-optimized instance family – r3 instance types. ・Storage-optimized instance family – i3 instance types. [Recommended for cached volumes and tape gateway type...
Create multiple sub commands with [Click] Description I'd like to create the script that includes some options such as the awscli . We can create it easy to use the Click library. So, I write a sample code about creating sub-command with Click . Premise Python : >= 3.7 Click : >= 7.0 Code import click def main(): cmd() def cmd(): """First layer sub-command group """ pass def sub_command_1(): """Second layer sub-command group """ pass def sub_command_2(): """Second layer sub-command group """ pass @sub_command_1.command() def sub_command_1_1(): print("Hello, subcommand 1 under the 1st layer subcommand 1") @sub_command_1.command() def sub_command_1_2(): print("Hello, sub...